Twitter Follower Value, revisited

In my last post, I presented a Groovy class for computing Twitter Follower Value (TFV), based on Nat Dunn’s definition of the term (number of followers / number of friends). That worked just fine. Then I moved on to calculating Total Twitter Follower Value (TTFV), which sums the TFV’s of all your followers. My solution ground to a halt, however, when I ran into a rate limit at Twitter.

It turns out I didn’t read the API carefully enough. I thought that to calculate TTFV, I would have to get all the follower ID’s for a given person and loop over them, calculating each of their TFV’s. That’s actually not the case. There is a call in the Twitter API to retrieve all of an individual’s followers, and the returned XML lists the number of friends and followers for each.

It’s therefore time to redesign my original solution. I first added a TwitterUser class to my system.
[sourcecode language=”groovy”]
package com.kousenit.twitter

class TwitterUser {
def id
def name
def followersCount
def friendsCount

def getTfv() { followersCount / friendsCount }

String toString() { "($id,$name,$followersCount,$friendsCount,${this.getTfv()})" }
Putting the computation of TTV in TwitterUser makes more sense, since the two counts are there already.

The TwitterFollowerValue class has also been redesigned. First of all, it expects an id for the user to be supplied, and stores that as an attribute. It also keeps the associated user instance around so that doesn’t have to be recomputed all the time.
[sourcecode language=”groovy”]
package com.kousenit.twitter

class TwitterFollowerValue {
def id
TwitterUser user

def getTwitterUser() {
if (user) return user
def url = "$id"
def response = new XmlSlurper().parse(url)
user = new TwitterUser(id:id,,
return user

// … more to come …
The getTwitterUser method checks to see if we’ve already retrieved the user, and if so returns it. Otherwise it queries the Twitter API for a user, converts the resulting XML into an instance of the TwitterUser class, saves it locally, and returns it.

The next method is something I knew I’d need eventually.
[sourcecode language=”groovy”]
// … from above …

def getRateLimitStatus() {
def url = ""
def response = new XmlSlurper().parse(url)
return response.’remaining-hits’.toInteger()

// … more to come …
Twitter limits the number of API calls to 150 per hour, unless you apply to be on the whitelist (which I may do eventually). The URL shown in the getRateLimitStatus method checks on the number of calls remaining in that hour. Since the XML tag is <remaining-hits>, which includes a dash in the middle, I need to wrap it in quotes in order to traverse the XML tree.

I added one simple delegate method to retrieve the user, which also initializes the user field if it hasn’t been initialized already.
[sourcecode language=”groovy”]
def getTfv() { user?.tfv ?: getTwitterUser().tfv }
This uses both the safe dereference operator ?. and the cool Elvis operator ?: to either return the user’s TFV if the user exists, or find the user and then get its TFV if it doesn’t. I’m not wild about relying on the side-effect of caching the user in my get method (philosophically, any get method shouldn’t change the system’s state), but I’m not sure what the best way to do that is. Maybe somebody will have a suggestion in the comments.

(For those who don’t know, the Elvis operator is like a specialized form of the standard ternary operator from Java. If the value to the left of the question mark is not null, it’s returned, otherwise the expression to the right of the colon is executed. If you turn your head to the side, you’ll see how the operator gets its name. Thank you, thank you very much.)

Next comes a method to retrieve all the followers as a list.
[sourcecode language=”groovy”]
def getFollowers() {
def slurper = new XmlSlurper()
def followers = []
def next = -1
while (next) {
def url = "$id&cursor=$next&quot;
def response = slurper.parse(url)
response.users.user.each { u ->
followers << new TwitterUser(,,
next = response.next_cursor.toBigInteger()
return followers
The API request for followers only returns 100 at a time. If there are more than 100 followers, the <next_cursor> element holds the value of the cursor parameter for the next page. For users with lots of followers, this is going to be time consuming, but there doesn’t appear to be any way around that. The value of next_cursor seems to be randomly selected long value, so I just went with BigInteger to avoid any problems.

Note we’re relying on the Groovy Truth here, meaning that if the next value is not zero, the while condition is true and the loop continues.

Finally we have the real goal, which is to compute the Total TFV. Actually, it’s pretty trivial now, but I do make sure to check to see if I have enough calls remaining to do it.
[sourcecode language=”groovy”]
def getTTFV() {
def totalTTFV = 0.0

// check if we have enough calls left to do this
def numFollowers = user?.followersCount ?: getTwitterUser().followersCount
def numCallsRequired = (int) (numFollowers / 100)
def callsRemaining = getRateLimitStatus()
if (numCallsRequired > callsRemaining) {
println "Not enough calls remaining this hour"
return totalTTFV

// we’re good, so do the calculation
getFollowers().each { TwitterUser follower ->
totalTTFV += follower.tfv
return totalTTFV

That’s all there is to it. Here’s my test case, which shows how everything is supposed to work.
[sourcecode language=”groovy”]
package com.kousenit.twitter;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

class TwitterValueTest {
TwitterFollowerValue tv

public void setUp() throws Exception {
tv = new TwitterFollowerValue(id:’15783492′)

public void testGetTwitterUser() {
TwitterUser user = tv.getTwitterUser()
assertEquals ‘15783492’,
assertEquals ‘Ken Kousen’,
assertEquals 90, user.friendsCount
assertEquals 108, user.followersCount

public void testGetTFV() {
assertEquals 1.2, tv.tfv, 0.0001

public void testGetFollowers() {
def followers = tv.getFollowers()
assertEquals 109, followers.size()

public void testGetTTFV() {
assertEquals 135.08, tv.getTTFV(), 0.01

As you can see, my TTFV as of this writing is a little over 135, though my TTV is only about 1.2.

I also put together a script to use this system for a general user and to output more information:
[sourcecode language=”groovy”]
package com.kousenit.twitter

import java.text.NumberFormat;

NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.instance
TwitterFollowerValue tfv = new TwitterFollowerValue(id:’kenkousen’)
total = 0.0
tfv.followers.sort { -it.tfv }.each { follower ->
total += follower.tfv
println "${nf.format(follower.tfv)}\t$"
println total

I need to supply an id when I instantiate the TwitterFollowerValue class. That id can either be numeric, as I used in my test cases, or just the normal Twitter id used with an @ sign (i.e., @kenkousen).

The cool part was calling the sort function applied after retrieving the followers. The sort method takes a closure to do the comparison. If this were Java, that would be the “int compare(T o1, T o2)” method from the java.util.Comparator interface, likely implemented by an anonymous inner class. I think you’ll agree this is better. 🙂 Incidentally, I used a minus sign because I wanted the values sorted from highest to lowest.

My result is:

12.135 Dierk König
10.077 Graeme Rocher
9.621 Glen Smith
4.667 Kirill Grouchnikov
3.89 Mike Loukides
3.1 Christopher M. Judd
3.01 Robert Fischer
3 Marcel Overdijk
2.847 Andres Almiray
2.472 jeffscottbrown
2.363 Dave Klein
2.322 GroovyEclipse
2.238 James Williams
2.034 Safari Books Online
0.037 HortenseEnglish
0.007 Showoff Cook

Since this was all Nat’s idea, here’s his value as well:

6.281 Pete Freitag
5.933 CNY ColdFusion Users
3.085 Barbara Binder
2.712 Mike Mayhew
2.537 Jill Hurst-Wahl
2.406 Andrew Hedges
2.333 roger sakowski
2.138 Raquel Hirsch
1.986 TweetDeck
0.1 Richard Banks
0.092 Team Gaia
0.05 AdrianByrd
0.043 OletaMullins
0.039 SuzySharpe

My TTFV is higher than his, but his TFV is higher than mine. Read into that whatever you want.

The next step is to make this a web application so you can check your own value. I imagine that’ll be the subject of another blog post.

4 responses to “Twitter Follower Value, revisited”

  1. Dare I say it? Ah, what the heck. This is totally Groovy! Thanks so much for working this out! It really is a cool solution and I can’t wait to see the web app.

  2. Shouldn’t one calculate the PageRank insteat of (T)TFV to get even better results?

  3. You could certainly make a case for PageRank being a more valuable metric. TTFV was created by a friend and I was just putting together a sample app for him, which was kind of fun actually. 🙂

  4. I totally understand, and obviously PageRank would be much harder to implement. So thanks for the fun, it was ‘groovy’ to read! 🙂

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